Dive Into Wallet 

Turn Your Digital Footprint Into Your Most Valuable Asset

Turn Your Wallet Into An Asset: Demand driving outreach pricing

Simply connect your wallet and claim your profile to receive rewards.  Web3 companies want to understand your needs and reach you directly on-chain. At Bluwhale, you earn as much as your profile's appeal and demand. COO & Grand Master of the High Council.
Get Started

Join the Match-Making:
Connect Enterprises & Wallets

Be part of our open network. Claim your wallet profile, search, and message anyone to contribute & earn from personalized outreach in web3.

Reach More Growth with A Personalized Outreach

Craft custom messages to engage with top wallets, whales, and liquidity providers helping them learn about the benefits of your products and services.
Project Sign In

Discover Wallet Insights & Targets

On-Chain messages

Decentralized on-chain messaging system designed to help projects reach out to their community

On Chain Analytics

Chain statistics
Token profile
Transaction history

Crypto Score

Similar to a credit score system(the higher the better), designed to encourage good investor behavior

Wallet Net worth

AI-Powered Wallet Insights & Profiling

AI-extracted Insights

Understand users by leveraging AI to aggregate cross-chain data at one click

Strategic Benchmarking

Know what you’re up against and how to differentiate your products/services

Smart Targeting & Conversion

Cast a smart net - Identify and engage the perfect user profiles for your offerings

Dynamically Priced On-Chain Messages

Incentivized Wallet Outreach

Users earn tokens for viewing & engaging with your messages

Demand-driven Message Pricing

Higher-demand wallets command premium messaging rates

Secure & Precise Targeting

Directly target your desired wallets and mitigate risks with verification checks

Our Founders

Han Jin
CEO & Cofounder
Masters in IEOR at Berkeley – Fortune 500 AI algorithm lead, Founding team @ Bayes Impact (YC’13), Co-founder/CEO @ Lucid (StartX’17)
Adam Rowell
CTO & Cofounder
PhD in EE at Stanford under Prof.Widrow– Quantization of AI models for mobile and digital systems, Co-founder/CTO @ Lucid (StartX’17)
To develop the most user-centric open AI network for matching enterprises with wallets, helping them deliver engaging, delightful, and personalized experiences and outreach to every single person in the world.



“Love bluwhale! At PvP we turned it on immediately to better understand  our on chain user base and are partnering with them to enhance insights  using AI going forward.”

Phil Strover


"Bluwhale has been a true gamechanger for us in understanding our  on-chain userbase. Thanks to their AI-powered tech and the insights it  has provided, we were able to adjust our campaigns more effectively,  leading to visible improvements in our results."

Ammar Zaeem


"When creating a user-oriented gaming ecosystem, it is crucial for a  project to understand its players to make informed decisions that  enhance the product. Bluwhale's AI-driven insights helped us adjust  airdrops and game designs. This led to not only better campaigns but  also an improved user experience overall."

Quinn Kwon

Director of Strategy

Join 1,065,432 Bluwhales

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